Worst "person" in my school
Sunday, March 16 2009, 1:38 PM EST
Thank you for everything (3 years of cheesirehat.com)
Monday, February 17 2009, 10:57 AM EST
Theres this "person" in my school that NOBODY likes. When I say nobody, I truly mean it. Shes genuinely a horrible person. You might be wondering why. Heres a list of everything shes done.
She has:
- Sexually Assaulted me
- (Unconfirmed) Walked into the boys bathroom, and PISSED ON THE FLOOR, claiming that she has a penis
- Says that she fucked her classmate in the bathroom
It was been exactly 3 years since I made this website back when I was 11. Im gonna turn 15 in March, but the fact that ive had this website since I started middle school is shocking to me and I just want to thank everyone who has ever interacted with it. It may not really be much but im still thankful for you guys :'). I've been putting alot more effort into my recent blog posts and I hope you guys have enjoyed them as much as I did. This year I'm gonna announce 1 thing
If you look below the blog, you'll see a new page called "The pinboard". It's pretty much just a place where I get little blurbs out randomly. Nothing too complex or detailed, just silly little remarks. I hope you guys like it and the new layout :P.
It was a BAD day
Saturday, February 15 2009, 12:47 AM EST
Ice Cube once said "It was a good day", but he was wrong. First of all, there was a bake sale for the yearbook club thing, and they were selling flans and brownies and stuff but the flans were THREE FUCKING DOLLARS, and even worse, I LOVE FLANS SO I LOST 6 DOLLARS ON 2 DOLLARS WORTH OF FLANS. With some spare change, I also got a gatorade from the school's vending machine, which will make this fall into place. I asked my friend lio for 3 dollars for yet ANOTHER flan and he gave me them. His mom also brought him McDonalds, which will also come into play later. I decided to drink my gatorade first, but not before letting my "friend" louis take a waterfall of my gatorade, but instead this fatass steals it. So now i can't use the flan money because i might have to buy another gatorade. Even worse, my friend lio gives my friend jhonny his mcchicken leftovers, i buy a peice off of jhonny for $1, jhonny EATS IT OUT OF MY HAND, BITING MY THUMB AND MY POINTER IN THE PROCESS, AND ONE OF MY OTHER FRIENDS HAD TO TRADE HER VALENTINES DAY LOLIPOP FOR ME TO GET THE DOLLAR BACK. EVEN WORSE (again) LOUIS DRINKS ALL OF THE GATORADE, SAYS HE GAVE IT TO JHONNY, I BUY ANOTHER ONE, DRAW A PENIS IN THE SNOW WITH THE GATORADE, AND BEFORE I GET TO SNAP A PICTURE, MY FRIEND MIGUEL KICKS THE GATORADE SNOW PENIS DRAWING AND MY FRIEND JOSE (the one that looked like a detective on Wednesday february 12th 2009) STEALS MY FUCKING GATORADE. IM FRIENDS WITH A BUNCH OF FATTYS. WORST OF ALL, (yet unsuprisingly) NO OLDER WOMEN ASKED ME TO BE THEIR VALENTINE. If there are any women from the age of 15-17 (Its ok if youre older than that just dont get caught please) want to talk to me im completely single and my emails and msn messages and myspace messages and everything else is completely open ;). Also i stole lolipops from my classmate kind of enemy but not really anymore charles and drew a GINORMOUS PENIS IN THE SNOW with my friends and drew an awesome drawing (pictured below)
I witnessed horrors beyond any form of comprehension in the Wendy's bathroom.
Wednesday, January 22 2009, 8:10 pm EST
I've seen many things in my life. Hell, i've seen everything, from a man blowing his brains out on live tv to 2 girls 1 cup. I thought I had seen the worst of humanity. The horrors of war, the horrors of what was probably gang violence, the horrors of the United States Government, skinny jeans, but no. That was eternal bliss compared to what I witnessed today. Today I went to Wendy's and ordered the usual. A big bacon classic combo with a large mix of Dr. Pepper and Cherry Coke. Absolutely scrumptious, delectable, yummy, even. I decided to go to the bathroom to wash my hands as im not a disgusting little gremlin like my "brother" is. It would all come tumbling down when I was pissed on by the sight of what seemed to be a plumber stretching his arm over the toilet. I looked a little closer to the crack between the door and the stall to see if the plumber was busy, only to be greeted by a man who had been unfairly given the punishment of eternal damnation. I looked around and noticed clothes hanging on the stall door. This wasn't eternal damnation. It was the deepest level of hell, where only the likes of hitler and ronald reagan deserve to reside. This wasn't a punishment, it was destiny. The strongest warriors face the most difficult battles. The only thing I could do is stand there and watch, as a man lived through the birth, rise, and heat death of the universe. Forced to live the life of every living organism ever concieved, one by one, year by year, day by day, hour by hour. He saw the past, the present, and the future of existence, all in 1 hour. It was like watching your fellow soldier get ripped apart, limb by limb, skinned, and burned alive, with a sharp stick up his ass, while you couldn't do anything. As I attempted to break into the stall to save him, a voice rang out to me spiritually. "My brother, let me be, it is my destiny." the voice spoke. I understood the assignment. I had to let him be, it was his destiny. I forsook the restroom, unknowing that I would be shot in the chest 187 times 5 minutes later, not by a gun, but by a slightly raw burger.
I am McLovin.
Sunday, May 25 2008, 9:53 pm EST
I just finished watching superbad, and It opened up my third eye. I am no longer Cheesire. I am McLovin. Here is a list detailing every reason I am McLovin.
- I am gangsta (like him)
- I am very cool (like him)
- I look like him (you're not gonna believe what i put here)
- put something here (like him)
I am McLovin, and if you disagree, you're wrong.
2 years of stupidity
Saturday, February 17 2008, 10:58 pm EST
I've had this website since I was 11. I'll be turning 14 in March, but I just want to thank the people who've been on my website in general. For this year, im announcing 2 THINGS!!!
a website for your blackberry, low end device, and any other web browser coming late February or early March!
Second: Game 2?!?!?!
im making a new game thats kinda like half life, fallout 2, deus ex and gta 3. More news coming soon!!!
And thank you for being here for the last 2 years :')
Message about my game.
Tuesday, February 13 2008, 6:46 pm EST
Over the past 3 years I have been developing an open world rpg in flash. Due to lack of development progress, inability to write a decent story, and lack of time, and simply wanting to focus on something else, i cancelled it. Thank you for understanding.
Do NOT let an 11 year old have a website
Wednesday, February 1 2008, 5:05 pm EST
I was recently looking at my old posts from when i was 11-12, and i FUCKING HATE LITTLE ME. HE IS AN OBNOXIOUS LITTLE BRAT WHO THINKS HE WAS FUNNY. HE IS NOT. IF I GOT BULLIED BACK THEN, I WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SO OBNOXIOUSLY UNFUNNY. EVEN NOW I STILL AM. BUT AT LEAST I AM SELF AWARE AND TRYING TO ACTUALLY BE FUNNY. Anyways, pretending i didn't just have a mental breakdown, should i edit my old posts to be less cringy and lore accurate? or should i keep them the same? YOU DECIDE!!!
10,000 VIEWS :O
Thursday, September 28 2007, 9:16 am EST
so... i got 10,000 views couple of days ago, but i forgot to post something. I just want to thank everyone who's ever been on my website, You guys are why this website has 10k views :D
1 year of my website! (+announcement!)
Thursday, February 17 2007, 1:36 pm EST
So... it has been exactly 1 year since I became the Golden Swag Crusader (TM). To comemmorate my website becoming legally old enough to do nothing, im making a YOUTUBE ACCOUNT!!!!! Now, you can bully me in the chatbox on the homepage, AND my videos :P
My website is banned in my school
Thursday February 16 2007, 10:08 am EST
So... I have a friend, and I wanted to show them my website, but something happened...
This site can't be reached The connection was reset. Try: Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall Running Connectivity Diagnostics ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
My school's internet may be absolute ass, but not ass enough to not load my website
Tuesday January 10 2007, 10:54 am EST
Code blue is a lockdown that simply prevents people from leaving because someone is hurt or something i think. This is the not the first time this has happened. First time they brought a puppy to smell the walls (The walls smell good), and now they brought a hospital bed. what are they gonna bring next time? Hopefully its another dog so i can have a wall smelling buddy
The ranch attacks of September 30 (4 injured, 1 dead)
Friday September 30 2006, 11:37 am EST
It was a peaceful Morning on Friday September 30, 2006. Sadly it would all change at 11:10 am EST when tentions were rising between 2 Tables at lunch. It all started when Bryce, a Representative of the Leo Table, Took ranch from the war storage, and launched it at the Jolly Rancher's Table. He is now no longer a representative at the Leo Table. But sadly they fired him too late, and The Jolly Rancher struck the Leo Table With Tragedy.
At 11:15 am EST, the Jolly rancher Twists a ranch packet.
At 11:16 am EST, The Jolly Rancher Strikes The Leo Table with Tragedy, and Ranch.
4 injured, 1 dead. The individual that had passed was known as Cheesire. He was a Good man, and sacrificed himself, to save others. "He was a trooper" Leo commented on the death of a fellow fella and council member. His last words were the words "Miguel, what the fuck?" before he got ranched. Thanks to Cheesire's wise words of wisdom, The Jolly Rancher, Also known as Miguel, was apprehended.
The Creature 2: The Creature returns
Wednesday May 25 2006, 2:50 pm EST
why- what made you wanna do this -Jaidyn, 2006
As the title suggests, I made a mistake. (Like father, Like son :D) And i regret it. HELP ME. IT IS AFTER ME. HELP. HELP. IT IS LOOJING FOR ME.

The Creature
Saturday May 21 2006, 12:30 pm EST
I was bored and I decided to make sprites for my game. Everything is normal for now. I decided that making the first sprite for the dog was too hard, so i gave up and moved on to the second sprite. Still normal. All of a sudden

Wednesday May 18 2006, 12:40 pm EST
IM GONNA TAKE OVER THE WORLD >:D (Not really though)
Wednesday April 27 2006, 1:07 pm EST
First of all, I just want to say THANK YOU!!! If it wasn't for you guys, we wouldnt be here. :D So... I was bored and just wanted to check how many visits have. I check it and 1905 VISITS. Words cant express how thankful i am for you guys. Thank You! :D
GAMES!!!!! :0
Wednesday April 27 2006, 12:45 pm EST
Complete Site Revamp Coming Soon!
Friday, April 22 2006, 10:41 pm EST
As the title suggests, I will (Or i'll atleast be trying to) revamp the website design. YEAH! THATS RIGHT! COOL GIMMICKS! PAGE SOURCE EASTER EGGS! OTHER CRAP! THE WHOLE NINE YARDS!!! *updates will be rolling out 1 week at a time starting Monday April 25, 2006
1000 VISITS!
Wednesday, April 13 2006, 10:00 am EST
Today is an amazing day! (Well not really since i passed 1000 visits a few days ago) I hit 1000 visits. So to celebrate, lets do absolutley nothing :)
Im 1 year older :D (Yay! My birthday!)
Monday, March 28 2006, 10:00 am EST
My birthday is today, and i got an OREO CAKE!!!!!!! im not sharing any with you
The Golden Swag Crusade B)
Thursday, February 17 2006, 1:36 pm
(Artist's conception at the bottom of blog entry)
So... I was just in english (Class) and I was wearing a golden basket thingy that my english teacher put on half of the tables. It was 1:20 then the bell rung. I wanted to go home to play gta, so I left when the teacher let us. When I left, I forgot to take off the swag. Everyone noticed me and told me. I took it off, but it was too late...
(Artist's Conception)
Made by me :P